Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fuck and Run: Two Poems

Climax, Resolution

She arches,
Back, toes neck,
Sinews stretching toward the sky,
With fingers buried
In sweat-slick flesh.
Her nerves are lit
With fire,
Like snake venom crashing
In heady waves
Through her veins.

He shudders,
Tremors ripple down the length of him
Something between the onset
Of hypothermia
And the aftershock
Of an earthquake.

The silence,
An oppressive, wordless calm
Falls between them,
And by the time she opens her eyes,
He is gone.

As We Go Our Separate Ways

Just do me this favor:
Keep the little bits
Of me
That I have left behind
If only because I cannot bear
To part with you

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