Monday, June 27, 2011

Exploration: A Poem


There's a place here,
Where a weeping willow overlooks
A bright, green pasture,
That I think you would love.
Not because of the contrast--
The inherent melancholy of the tree
Backed by a carpet of green
That's sure to bring a smile to your lips
And light,
To your eyes--
But you'd love it because you're an adventurer.

The limbs of the tree beckon you
To climb,
To scale its ancient body
And see what lies at the top,
And a tire swing hangs from one branch,
Tied to an aged rope,
Left behind by some long gone neighbor
Or some anonymous,
Mirthful god.

Beyond the pasture,
A thick copse of trees
Promises hidden treasure.
Perhaps elves live beneath
The shadowed boughs, flitting between
Trunks at twilight alongside fireflies,
Vanishing from sight,
Or danger lurks,
Cowled in black,
In the dark corners.
And still it sings,
As all the unknown world must sing
To you,
To explore,
To conquer.

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