Sunday, May 8, 2011

'Bout to Bring the Pain

So, Bin Laden is dead and...what a surprise, you're all still ridiculous. I was told by a customer yesterday that Obama has refused to release the photos of Bin Laden's corpse. Although, replace the words "Bin Laden's corpse" in that sentence with the word proof. Fucking proof. Well, you know where this is going.

First, I'm not even going to comment on the people who are still, despite the undoubtedly wide-spread readership I enjoy and my uniquely persuasive way of arguing my point, insisting that the War on Terror is, in any way, keeping everyday Americans safely driving their SUVs and owning guns. I'm not going to address that because if I have to explain why American soldiers dying in this conflict is actually a noble sacrifice one more fucking time, I'm going to skin and eat the next person I see drinking Coors Light or driving a pick-up truck. Because fuck you.

Second, why do we need proof? He's fuck-off dead. He's not on trial. The men who killed him aren't on trial. Death, Himself, is not on trial. There is no burden of proof to be had. None. If you don't believe the man has died, call Jesse Ventura. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to blow smoke up your ass in exchange for a bag of crystal meth and a rimjob and permission to use your bat-shit crazy rants on television. You'll be famous among even more pathologically fucked up people. Won't mom be proud?

Third, have we forgotten that Osama Bin Laden, despite being a total dick and all infringing on our Freedoms or whatever, was a human fucking being? Is that something we've decided to collectively block out? How morbid are we that we won't accept the death of a man who, just by the way, was in his gods damned twilight years anyway, without seeing a picture of his corpse on CNN? How is that not evil? He's fucking dead! Look, here's the bullet hole! Look at how his face caved in at the impact! Hurray, America!

Sometimes, I fucking hate people.

We lost our shit when we saw that there was celebration in Gaza right after 9/11. Remember that? We were all ready (and by we, I mean you.) to go on over there and start shoving our boots up more brown people's asses. What kind of effect will it have, not only on extremists and generally shithouse crazy people, but on the rest of the world as a whole if we start showing pictures of a dead guy on television? Who the fuck even takes a picture of a man that's just been shot in the head? What are you, the guitarist from Mayhem? Did they make boneshard necklaces out of his skull too? I'm all for America being more brutal and less utterly devoid of both balls and intellect (I'll settle for balls if I have to pick just one) but fuck me, we can probably find another way. Let's start raping women and crucifying children everytime we invade someone. You know, go back to the classics.

This is, allegedly, some sort of civilized, Christian country where other people are free to worship and do as they please (unless that includes building a church with a funny name near some rubble) and yet we're totally willing to go all medieval and start broadcasting the defiled bodies of our enemies?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not sickened by dead bodies. I think having a picture of a dude with a bullet through the skull is great. I think putting bullets in skulls is great. But there's a line between photographing the guy you just killed and broadcasting that photo on all the major news networks, the internet and out into space for all the universe to see that we're not exactly prepared to cross.

How about we just collectively decide that since he's dead and we're not, our dicks are bigger? Isn't that what is most important here?

One of these days I'm going to get kicked out of the America Club. I'm hard-pressed to say, given the people I've seen admitted, that I'd be heartbroken.

Loathsomely Yours,

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