Monday, September 27, 2010

Beerfoam Bonanza Meets American Psycho

Originally Posted: 6/7/09

You can ride to this motherfucker,
Bounce to this motherfucker,
Freak to this motherfucker.

Let's get it on.

I'm this generation's Sisqo, Disco, a fad and bad one at that. I just linger like Korn has since back in '05 while my once treasured public denies I'm alive. I eat pistols for breakfast and bullets for brunch and if you sucked off my cock you could taste Cap'n Crunch. I don't expect you to like me, I expect you to bow and if you're looking to fuck, the line starts here and right now.

I'm like, propoganda or nightmares or Santa, fun for a while but completely irrelevant.

I like fuckin', but I'm a sucker for suckin'. I like to be vulgar, obscene, listerine. That last one just rhymed. I'm too short on time to be making connections. I'd rather get blitzed at my own intervention. I'm sick and I'm drunk and I don't need saving. Try as you might you just can't seem to ignore me, so sit on down and learn to abhor me.

I did my time, and yours and his. I did everyone's time getting filled up and fucked up and hit on and spit on, then shit on and choked up and coked up and thrown down, I go down but only after a night on the town. I'm easy, breezy, pitiful. But I'll rock you in the jaw like it don't mean nothing.

I got glass shards and flower petals growing out my ass. I could get pissed off, but I'd rather be impressed. I lie like a serpent putting pussies to the test with no regrets and I forget the last time that I saw the Light. It seems so much more appealing to be shrouded in night.

I'd kiss you, and I'd let it all go. I'd wrap you up in silver silk and keep you on my mantle. I'd cover you in cellophane to keep you fresh and vivid. I'd warp your fucking memories and then let you go relive it. I'd tell you that I love you, but I can't promise that's the truth. I'd tell you that I'm yours alone, that I'm only lost in you. I'd cherish you, I'd treasure you, but I always end up covetous. I'd ransack every orifice and leave you bent and worthless. I'd gaze for hours at your eyes; unblinking, bright and lifeless. I'd kill you if you walked away because I'd be dead without this.

Her eyes are black and blue, her lips are swollen with the bruises. Another beating not concealed, I guess she should have listened. I told her once, I told her twice, and then I started raving. I broke a bone, I broke a home. I lied, I do need saving.

Save me from the perfectly unreal level of whiny, cock-biting bullshit this world has become. Save me from parents who can't raise their kids to be anything but pussies. Save me from politicians that have to adhere to religions and restrictions because the zealot minority would be otherwise outraged. Save me from people who think the world owes them lives because they continue to breathe in it. Save me from assholes who can't hold down jobs. Save me from the greedy bastards who turn hard working people into slaves. Save me from this place because, frankly, its become so ugly I can't stand turning my eyes away from the ugliness in me. Save me from the beautiful things I just want to destroy. Save me from the beautiful things that could so easily destroy me. This world was not bred for weakness. Mankind was bred for strength. To accept any less is to turn you back on the gods and shit right down their throats.

I want to crush you between my fingers so that some of you will seep into my pores. I want to possess you forever. I want to own your very soul. I want you. Can I keep you? Can I?

If you don't wanna party then your ass got to go.

Sanity is all well and good when the world is well in hand. But when the shit starts spinning out its time that crazy made a stand.

These are some of the things I think about when you're not here. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it turns the mind to mush and razor wire. Be my Alpha and Omega, be my heaven, be my sun. Be my moon, my stars, my Jupiter. I swear you'll be the only one.

Lies scripted in the tongue of the divine.

Black and blue and I love you,

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