Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Cloaked Brigade of Shit Narnia

Originally Posted: 8/26/08

The bitter-patter of little feet on sidewalk chalk with hand grenades. Smeared colors, remniscent of rainbows, scattered to hypnotic dust by underaged miltias rushing through suburban neighborhoods. And if you think that that was senseless, wait till you hear this: there's a black man running for president.

I'm better now, my head is clear. There are lots of fairies here. That rhymes, in time I'm sure to find a way to see the serpentine tail wrapping round my big, green eyes searching for the way inside. Cue metal music.


Anyway. The first week of classes is over, and now the year begins. The endless day-to-day, the constipation, the terrible food that causes constipation, the lack of funds that causes me to have to eat the terrible food that causes constipation, not having a job aside from work-study which causes the lack of funds that causes me to have to eat the terrible food that causes constipation, the four hour erections and insatiable lust for human flesh. Uh, I mean, sex. Not...not eating people. Well, in a sense I guess I could mean eating people. "Eating" is a kind of euphemism for performing oral sex, primarily on women...nevermind. It doesn't matter.

I've been writing fervently of late. The novel is up around 150 pages typed, single-spaced and not entirely edited for format. I'm still getting around to that part because it's a pain in the ass. I figure at full length it will be between 250 and 300 pages typed, single spaced. That should go fairly quickly, but it isn't like I've done this before. I'm not sure what a realistic date would be to shoot for in terms of finishing the damn thing. There are times that I think, if I was not restricted from doing so by my outstanding morals and the strong desire not to compromise my relationship, that I could be some kind of sex monster. I haven't really figured out the specifics of what a sex monster is, but I could probably be one. It sounds kinda cool.

I found out today that a friend, novelist (and former professor) of mine David Jack Bell will be contributing a guest spot to the blog of none other than Mr. John Marco. On his website, Marco has a semi-daily blog and he's had a few other writers do guest blogs and things of that nature in order to give readers a more personal view of what its like to be involved in the publishing world and so on and so forth. Pretty badass, isn't it? And one hell of a wierd series of coincidences. Almost like...something.

I like the sound of rain. Also the sound of peas being squished. And orgasms.

Do I have an inappropriate and/or unusual amount of sexual energy today? No. You won't answer, so I answered my own question. And damn you to the Abyss if you disagree! Heathen! Hie! Draw your sword, mongrel! Exciting, is it not? To see the madness skies hath wrought beneath my furrowed brow, upon which worlds like lashes lie. To wait and dream, to wait and die.

I love you, I'm in love with you. But I'll be gone by morning. I'll leave a fifty on the night stand. Thanks for your time.

S. R.

P.S.- David Wong coined the term "Shit Narnia". Don't credit me with that. He'll sue me. He's asian for pretend!

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