Monday, September 27, 2010

It's Frost Approaching

Musha ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack fol de daddy o
Whack fol de daddy o
There's whiskey in the jar

I ran amok in stories where the last true heroes linger and I cast aside my worries for the bright, gold dawn of Heaven. Where I came upon a beggar, an old man dyin' slowly. I stole away his misery and sent him away from me. T'was far from a miracle that I breathed away his pain, oh, for I live on naught but suffering. No joy or love sustains me. I threw off my cloak of velvet, trudged on through the desert and into the Night of Chaos. Whirling all around me, the endless dark surrounds me, upon a fabled road in walk with Satan's steps beneath me.

Staggering I came upon a poor, beleagured woman. I asked her why she wept and she said her lover had been stolen. Brought away from light of day, whereupon he was murdered. I kissed her 'neath a twisted bower, pushed myself inside and left her with a promise of a future life to love.

On I walked, past naked Fear who writhed in violent passion with the uncoiled snake of Hatred. I heard a mournful wail escape the frenzy of the rape. Tolling through the hours, I espied Hell in the distance, and took a long road 'round the gates that I would not be tempted. I stood upon the Edge and gazed out into the Twisting Nether. Sat upon the crumbling stone, there to await my lover.

Decades passed, my beard grew long, my eyes have lost their luster. Still I sit with silent patience, waiting on another. I still recall the fragrance as she whispered me a promise. To meet upon this lonesome ledge if ever we were parted. Long and long and long ago, I wrote my final story. I closed my eyes and left the world to find her without hurry. I walked a thousand thousand miles and waited day and nightly. To hear her footsteps drawing near, but was I led here blindly? For in the guise of woman often comes the devil to the ear. If I have been forsaken by the one I chose to die for...what's to stay my body from decaying here without her?

Musha ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack fol de daddy o
Whack fol de daddy o
There's whiskey in the jar

Shall I be remembered? Shall I be forgiven? What Hell awaits me when I make the long trip back to Heaven? I turned away from Light and then turned away from Darkness. Shall I be ever trapped between, imprisoned in the Twilight? I stand to start my journey. As she stands up behind me. She too has grown without me. Hand in hand we stand to gaze, but nothing strikes our fancy.

Let's away to Heaven, Love, they barred you entrance without me. And off upon the fabled road, now smooth to travel easy. I took her back to Asphodel, I turned my back on bristling Hell, and stepped into the daylight. With a greeting wave to Uriel, we stepped through the Gates.

Musha ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack fol de daddy o
Whack fol de daddy o
There's whiskey in the jar

Constant. Eternal. A peal of thunder cracks on jagged mountains. Tears, like fat raindrops, spill from the Eyes of God. I am without you. I am without. Pleas ring off the valley walls, but I am deaf to voices. Deaf to courage and cowardice. Deaf to all but despair. I am without you. I am without.

Det är frosten som nalkas,

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