Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wigwam and The Endless Tale of Crackhide Jack

Originally Posted: 9/9/08

Here's an update for ya: I've grown wings. And shat out hell and nastier things. I'm on a mission to cleanse myself of sin, open my arms and hold God within.

Oh no, I'm not turning religious zealot but it made a nice rhyme. Besides, you can't help but love people who give their all for something. Even something as boldly corruptible as faith. However, I'm not here today to talk about why I think religions are silly, nor my new story idea (a fantastic, interesting re-telling of Christ's cruci-fiction, among other things) or how the two coincide. That's a topic for...well, some other time when I'm out of other viable topics and too lazy to do what I'm doing now. For those of you who are out of the loop, that entire paragraph was stream of consciousness, the most boring kind of writing ever created. Oh look, the moon.

Anyway, its been a few days since Richie and co. departed the country for brighter shores (and three months of good old fashion castle-living) and I've gotten into my routine again. I took it easy on the partying this weekend for a change. Russ (one of my buddies) was sick and his roomate Paul (another one of my buddies) was out somewhere with his lady friend and I wasn't feeling up to the whole ordeal. I spent most of the weekend writing my little heart out and plotting and researching. I encountered the occasional friend and the frequent drunk, but none of it really bogged me down at all. I listened to some of the music I had on my computer from last semster (and by gods there's alot of it!) and found that although under-produced metal bands like Bathory don't sound as clear or as clean as some of the newer metal bands or some of the more successful ones, they've got a certain aura about them all the same.

Plus a good dose of metal is great for inspiration. The novel is at a point where the story jumps back and forth alot between two groups of characters and sometimes I find it a bit tedious to write for one group or another. I would almost rather just write for one group and then go back and tell the story of the other, but that would break up the flow of the story and provide a gateway for all types of continuity issues. The story is much more suspenseful this way, which is why its undergoing such heavy editing.

For all concerned parties, Tropical Storm Hanna didn't kill me. It blew over during the night Friday, providing for a really good thunderstorm and some amusing antics on the part of the revelers who weren't too afraid to go outside and enjoy themselves in the pouring rain. Imporomptu slip n' slides ensued in the courtyard. I didn't partake myself, I was more concerned with relaxing and, as I said, I didn't party this weekend. Its looking like rain tonight. I can hear thunder already. I'm wondering if maybe there's another Tropical Storm and/or hurricane headed this way, but I'm not concerned enough to check the weather. Who knows, maybe I'll walk out and see cows being blown around or something. That'd make for an interesting experience.

Robbie got me playing World of Warcraft a bit. I'm not playing much, just every now and again for bits of time. It helps me relax and smoke a little less. I've been depserately trying to conserve the smokes I've got for when I really need them, but all the same I think I'm out for the time being. Who knows, maybe mom will win the lottery and just send me a shit ton of money. That's a phrase I learned from down here: shit ton. It means a lot.

That's about all I've got right now. I've been writing these a little less cryptically than normal for the past few entries for a couple reasons: 1.) The details of my everyday life aren't cryptic or poetic in any way and 2.) It makes them easier to comprehend sometimes. No worries, I've got more of the wacky shit coming. I just feel like giving you guys a little break. You'll thank me one day.

And then worship the ground I walk on.

Eat shit and die you bloody parasites!

Woefully Yours,

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