Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On John Marco and Being Back in the LBG

Originally Posted: 8/20/08

So, something really cool happened recently and I thought, since I finally just got my computer all up and running and checked everything, that I'd let those of you who are in the dark know about it. There's a writer named John Marco who I've been reading for a couple years now. He's published two trilogies thus far, The Tryants and Kings and Lukien trilogies in that order. He writes a kind of epic fantasy that grants more realism to the genre than I can ever recall seeing there before. You believe in his worlds, his characters, and his stories in a way that few writers, fantasy or otherwise, can manage. And he added me on Myspace.

Not only that, but this guy that I've looked up to ever since I first cracked the 700 odd pages of The Eyes of God a year or two ago, talked to me. It was kind of a breif correspondence, but it was really awesome to get to talk to someone I admire so much for their talent and imagination. I even got some insight into his method (which is drastically different from mine) and it really made that week great. So, I thought I'd let you all know about it and raise a glass to Mr. Marco for being a great writer and an all around cool guy to boot. Cheers to that!

So, in other news, I'm back in Laurinburg. It was quite a drive, but this is around the 21st time I've made it (literally) so it wasn't terrible, even given the partying that happened the night before and the awful sorrow of saying goodbye to my other half that always comes with these partings. She's strong though and we're alright. I don't care what anyone says, that girl is damned amazing. I stopped in Virginia for a little nap because, let's face it, I was exhausted. That lasted around two hours, but I was wide awake and ready to go when Tanya finally managed to rouse me via telephone.

Otherwise the trip was mostly uneventful. The van is probably the coolest vehicle I've ever had the pleasure of owning and I look forward to keeping it around. I found a Dunkin' Donuts off I-95 somewhere near the North Carolina border. It's part of a gas station-pizza place-Dunkin' Donuts complex called The Oasis, and for good reason. There's nothing around for as far as the eye can see in any direction. Just flat fields and roads. A little eerie.

Check-in was blessedly brief and I spent most of Sunday napping. I've been hitting the sack a little early because I had this feeling like maybe I was getting sick, so I figure plenty of sleep (and catching up on what I missed the last few weeks) will help my ultra-powerful immune system kick that sickness' ass. Since then, its been a matter of getting back into my routine and job-hunting because a simple work-study job won't pay my bills and support my smoking and eating habits and all those little vices.

So, that's how everything's been. I'm all settled in now, meeting some freshmen and catching up with old friends. That kind of thing. Many thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It was nice to see that so many people actually realized that it was significant. Thank god for Myspace and Facebook reminders, eh? I'm kidding. But really, thanks alot. Made me smile. Cheers to you, mates.

I suppose the next blog I post will be back to the usual cryptic meanings and dry humor. Hold your breath for it, would you? Thanks.

And now, here's something I wrote for someone I love very much.

Pressed together
Like lips in ballet
Whereupon the fate of stars
Hangs from gossamer strands
Our fingertips twined together
Palm to palm
Hand in hand with the gods

Pulses quicken
Like wardrums calling for the charge
And we race down the hill
Children in an austere world
Chasing the grey light before us
And banishing it back o'er the mountains

You keep back my darkness.

The golden city lies ahead
But you and I
Sit on the hillside
Watching daybreak over Heaven
I pity even them,
For even angels cannot have you back.

All the Best,

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