Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Climax, Falling Action, The End

Originally Posted:8/27/07

Brittle fabrications gouging holes in the heart. There's a snake in the grass (my dick's in her ass). That's not a clever rhyme, its not a mother fucking joke, every fiber in me yearns to be yours. I don't want your heart, I don't want adoration. I want fear, I want desire, I want lust. I could care less for your thoughts, you're just flesh to me and when I burn with the want I'm going to feed...

But then the lying starts and I trip over words, unbound in my own mind. "They're outta get me." and the paranoia sinks in like a gash in the throat and the rebellion begins. "I'm fuckin innocent. So you can suck me." Burned out all over again, sinking with exhuastion back into bed and covering my ears to escape the noise in my head.

I swallowed swallows unladen from Europe and Africa and spat sonnets at Shakespeare (or Marlowe if you so please). I drank deep the sin and I sang the praise, had dreams of a river, pleasant nights and long days. I saw the roses in bloom, saw orchids from the Abyss, watched as Istar fell, and bled the Countess. For all of my triumph I've nothing to show for my quests lay on paper once whiter than snow. My glory goes onward, under other men's names: Tanis and Roland, Erzebet and Raist. My humor, my laughter is not mine to claim, for all that I am has been written in tales. I am a story, a fable, nothing more.

You read that and wondered where my mind was going. Why the first two sections were lust and physical need and the last was a twisted song about stories and fate. They're intertwined, I swear it is true and if you just think a moment you'll see it too. For the need to be had is like the need to be real. The careless abandon we delve into for sex is the blind, ceaseless need to prove we exist. I won't share my secrets for you or for any. I will say one thing, and I hope you understand: I may be fiction, but I am not false.

Lullaby and goodnight. Forever sleep, my darlings. Never lift your eyes again, upon this dismal plane. The world is for the maggots. Never wake...


Scar Rider

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