Tuesday, September 21, 2010

God is Dead...and No One Cares

Originally Posted: 7/20/2005

Hell is the maimed and tortured face of a young girl as she lies whimpering and half conscious beneath you. The face that haunts your dreams nightly because you loved her. You loved her and she hurt you and that bitch got what she deserved.

Hell is the cries of abandoned children. Small and alone in a poverty stricken neighborhood, locked in their bedrooms, afraid to venture without and incur the wrath of their bastard fathers, afraid to know that mommy isn't home. Its much easier to sit alone and pretend someone loves you.

Hell is the souls of young people in this world who have lost their innocence. People who met reality far before their time. People who missed laughing and lounging in the sun and traded in their Power Ranger feetie pajamas for rubber gloves and responsiblities. People who gave all to ensure siblings grew up right an wanted only to be kids in return.

Hell is in everyone who has suffered injustice at the hands of life because Hell is the burden we carry. Hell is the vengeful tears of children, the spiteful tongues of intellectals, and the utter loss of will in humankind. Hell is right beside you every moment and it isn't satisfied.

So go, live your life in this pile of refuse that exists as an excuse for a world and know that "God is Dead...And No One Cares". Hell is here. And I see your face every day. Fuck it. This place is disgusting and so are the pitiful monsters that inhabit it. I need to get out.


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