Monday, September 27, 2010

A Glossary of Sorts

As you may be aware, I recently decided to upload all of my old blogs (or rather, those that I didn't deem retarded) onto this site, both for the sake of preservation and due to a complete lack of respect for my free time. If, out of curiosity, you happen to read through them you'll find a number of names signed to the bottom. I assure you, these are not cases of plaigarism. These are personas I write under and you could associate them with different moods or different states of mind. I'm sure you'd pick up on it eventually, but just for the sake of clarity I'll include a brief idea for each of them here.

I typically write under the pseudonym Scar Rider (variations of which include: S.R., S. Rider, and the ever-popular and arrogant The Scar Rider). It comes from some vague idea I had years and years ago upon the first time I heard that song "Starrider", which was one of Foreigner's less successful singles. It occured to me that we learn, not so much from the goals we set for ourselves, but by the hardships we endure to get there. Scars, in other words. Its something I've grown fond of and the one I use most because it is the one closest to the real me.

I also use God As Himself (or, occasionally just God as a shortened form) which comes from the idea of God as an actor or a character in a script. Typically it also has to do with rage.

Then there's Nemesis, which is newer. Nemesis was a Greek goddess of Redemption. A concept that fascinates me.

And finally, A Phantom Lullaby, because it sounds fucking sad.

That said, please continue reading and sending me astronomical amounts of money.

All the best,
Scar Rider

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