Tuesday, September 21, 2010

By Way of Introduction

Originally Posted: 10/14/08

Oh, my God. Yeah, fucking Oh Em Gee. Can you taste the irony dripping like blood and glass shards from the tip of my tongue? Come on, baby, kiss me on the mouth. Don't be shy. My lips are a little dry, its been a little while but kiss me baby. Just close your eyes and lissssten to it, keep your heartbeat thump-thump-thumping and just groove on through 'til you hit the morning. Autumn's coming and it takes no prisoners, just sweeps on through and kills everything in a flash of beauty. Peer right through me. Look at the sinister sht underneath. Press your lips to my skin I bet you'll like what you see.

Coked out and choked out, somebody's gotta throw down. Its can't all be just fun and games, fuck someone's got to take the blame for this shit. This is it. The end is nigh. Strap your ass in, let's go for a ride.

I am the God of Redemption, kicking your ass. There's no such thing as a clean repentence. Get up off your knees, bitch, your prayers are weak. The world goes to the strong, not the meek. Pick up your sword and meet them on the field. Don't talk shit, man, the words aren't real. You haven't lived until you've ended a life. Seen the fire extinguished, the desire diminished. There's no crying, not a sound in the last seconds. Just a sigh and an emptiness you'll carry within until the day you look up at your Savoir, crying for a second chance. Messiah, Messiah! But there's no answer. You're just a human cancer.

There's no direction here. I've got no rudder and nothing to steer. That's fine. I need a little chaos right now. You can't have all Order and no variables. You've got to have some of each. Otherwise, you're already boring me. I've got a slingshot heart with a bullet inside. Aimed right at your forehead. You're just about dead. Rhyming words and shitting curses. That's what it's all about. I'll die laughing with a big old grin. Not because I'm happy, but because I win. I'm the God of Redemption. Olympus is mine. I'm the Mother of your Fucker and the Father of Time.

I am one, I am all, I'm above and beyond. More than you can comprehend, more than you can dare defend against. Be daunted, because I'm a nightmare. Be afraid for your children's lives. The end of an era has come and gone again. And I'm the only one left.

I bleed from my pores and I piss on the poor. Pouring out favors and hatred and more. I'm screaming and seething in every hole, shackled and rattled and stuffed back inside of a body that I never wanted to own. I'm yours. But you escape me. My fingers clench on nothing, grinding teeth and illustrations. I'm a mess of complications. Take me hand-in-fucking-hand and masterbate on Neverland. Hold me for the sake of Christ, or no one else will make it through the night.

I have embraced this. I faced this down and buried cataracts deep in my eyes while staring back. Don't judge me with words, I invented them all. Don't lean on my patience you're asking to fall. I'm hurtling faster and spiralling down. The center of something that lies in the ground. I will revive it to conquer the world. Revealed for the serpent I am.

I am Nemesis.

Scattered thoughts illuminated. Former lovers dessicated. What's this world I've found beneath me? Heaving like the emerald sea. All my friends eviscerated. Hanged to dry in arid sun. Land eroded, seas dried up, this place is wasted. How I hate it. Death of all I have created.

This is just a metaphor, a little piece of history. Wrapped up in a plastic shell with all my fucking misery. You're wondering at why the hell I keep creating new personas. It's a secret I won't tell so quit complaining, fucking blow me.

I'll make a cloak of your skin, a hat from your sins, and love you just the same. Take your flesh beneath the single tree left in this barren wasteland. Penetrate you gently with the subtle tongue of every liar you have ever taken to your bed. I'm in your little head. Twisting thoughts like bard songs, wishing things would move along. I'm far too impatient to be left alone in zealot circles.

I'm so caught up in myself that I can hardly stop to breathe. You linger in my every thought. Your anguish is all I can see. Turn it all around and look, another angle's better. I feel sick and horrible. Chained to names and shamed the patterns all deranged. Its porcelain, or so it seems. I thought it made of the stuff of dreams, but even that unravels. So I'll pack my bags and set out for tomorrow, casting shadows on the lawn. I wonder how you'll get along. Then I realize I'm wrong and look one time for home. It's burned and gone and I'm alone.

So fuck consequences and swing for the fences. There's no need to submit to life. You can soar if you can climb. Dance the horizon and skip from night to day. You're a goddess and I promise, they'll never take your off your feet. Draw back and see the road ahead. it stretches farther than you imagine.

Kiss me baby, on the mouth. Think of smiles when you're in doubt.

I am the God of Redemption.

I am Nemesis.

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